A sustainable initiative for mobile networks, launch of green 5G leads to improve Energy efficiency off it's 4G and 5G network significantly reduces carbon emission. This collaboration leads to reduce carbon footprint by an estimated 143,413 metric tons of CO2 annually.
On October 8 2024, Bhartiya Airtel and Nokia announce the ground breaking collaboration on 5G green 5G and initiative aims to introducing green energy solutions and practices to Airtel mobile network. Basically, this project has focus is on announcing Energy efficiency across airtel's extensive 4G and 5G radio access network by leveraging state of the art technology is like AI/ML as well as a suite of advanced software features and innovative solution.
This projects leads to enhance Energy efficiency during peak and peacock hours and is protected to reduce airtel's carbon emission by an estimated 143,413 metric tons of co2 annually.
Here are some words of Randeep Sekhon, CTO Bhartiya Airtel - "In the response to the surging demand for a data mobile networks across India have rapidly expanded partially with rule out of 5G technology at Bharti Airtel our commitment to sustainability has lead us to collaborate with Nokia this participate allows us to leverage innovative solutions that delivers sustainable energy savings enabling is to significantly reduce our carbon footprint and further our environmental objectives is aligned with our business strategy"
And also Tarun Chhabra, Head of mobile networks at Nokia India also delivers some words, he said "We are excited to partner with Bharti Airtel to drive sustainable at the practices in the country Nokia as committed to reaching net zero greenhouse gas emission globally by 2040. Our innovative technology will not only an answer the overall performance of communications network but also significantly help reduce their energy consumption contributing to the energy efficiency target of our customers"
Overall, the key aspect of the collaboration of Airtel and Nokia includes followings :
1- Aiming for zero traffic - zero watt operation
This solution lowers the radio network's power use to very low levels when there is no traffic, saving energy and improving how energy is managed.
2- Combining Nokia's advanced energy saving features with Airtel's AI/ML algorithms
The companies have used AI and machine learning to automatically adjust and improve energy-saving software for their 4g and 5g networks.
3- Moving to digital design for enhanced Energy efficiency
The companies have tested advanced digital design tools to improve cell setups for lower power transmission. This helps reduce CO2 emissions and lowers energy costs without affecting network performance or user experience. It also makes the network more efficient during busy and quiet times.
4- Employing a reff shark system on chip
The latest generation of System on Chip (SoC) improves energy efficiency by adjusting its internal resources to match the actual processing needs, which helps save power based on how much traffic there is. The new platform is expected to reduce energy use by an extra 15%.